Teagan Roome

Research Technician

My Research

Originally from Seattle, I was drawn to the coastline tidepools and salmon runs I grew up with. The ocean holds some of my fondest memories and has always brought me great joy. I am broadly interested in coral biology, climate change studies, coral reproduction, reef ecology, and conservation. Currently, I am focused on best practices for ex-situ reproduction of reef-building species as well as climate tradeoffs in corals and reef fish. My past research has focused on thermal tolerance and survivorship of juvenile Montipora capitata.

Education and Experience

BS  - University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Marine Biology, 2023                                          

Current Projects

  • Best practices for spawning, fertilization, and rearing of Porites lobata

  • Climate tradeoffs in wound recovery and feeding preference for Porites compressa (finger coral), Montipora capitata (rice coral), and Chlorurus spilurus (Bullet head parrot fish)


Roome, T.C., Brijs, J., Hancock, J.R., Johansen, J, Drury, C. Climate tradeoffs in wound recovery and fish feeding preference among reef-building corals. In prep.

Caruso, C., Mujica, E.M., Sullivan, C.E.S., Rosset, S.L., Smith, K.A., Johnston, E.C., Walker, N.S., Kuball, K.J., Hoʻopai-Sylva, H., Roome, T.C., Sherman, M.O., Steinle, C., Oshiro, K., Varela, A.C., Hughes, K., Hancock, J.R., Heron, S., Drury, C. Larval corals’ adaptive capacity is limited by the rate of climate change. Submitted.

Hancock, J. R., Barrows, A. R., Roome, T. C., Huffmyer, A. S., Matsuda, S. B., Munk, N. J., Rahnke, S. A., & Drury, C. (2021). Coral husbandry for ocean futures: leveraging abiotic factors to increase survivorship, growth, and resilience in juvenile Montipora capitataMarine Ecology Progress Series, 657, 123-133.

Roome, T.C. (2020) Coral spawning: a night of mystery and hope. Kilo i‘a Magazine.