Giada Tortorelli

Postdoctoral Associate

My Research

I am a cellular and molecular biologist with a research focus on marine microbial symbioses. I explore the mechanisms underpinning the cnidarian-algal association by looking at both sides of the partnership. Inspired by plant science, I’m using microscopy and omics technologies to dissect the role of symbionts in stress management and resilience of the coral holobiont. My theoretical and applied approach aims at interventions to assist corals cope with global climate change.

Education and Experience

Postdoctoral Fellowship – University of Hawaii Mānoa & the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology

Postdoctoral Fellowship – University of Melbourne, Australia 2021-2022

PhD – University of Melbourne, Australia 2017-2021

MSc – Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Italy. Biodiversity and Evolution 2012-2015

BSc – Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Italy. Biological and Marine Sciences 2008-2012  


Tortorelli G, Pettolino F, Lai DH, Tomčala A, Bacic A, Oborník M, Lukeš J, McFadden, GI. The cell wall polysaccharides of a photosynthetic relative of apicomplexans, Chromera velia. Journal of Phycology. 2021 Sep 7.

Tortorelli G, Oakley CA, Davy SK, van Oppen MJH, McFadden GI. Cell wall proteomic analysis of the cnidarian photosymbionts Breviolum minutum and Cladocopium goreaui. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 2021 Aug 27:e12870.

Tortorelli G, Rautengarten C, Ebert B, Bacic A, Davy SK, van Oppen MJH, McFadden GI. The role of cell surface carbohydrates in the establishment of cnidarian-dinoflagellate (Symbiodiniaceae) symbiosis. ISME Journal. 2021 Jul 20:1-0.

Dungan AM, Hartman LM, Tortorelli G, Belderok R, Lamb AM, Pisan L, McFadden GI, Blackall LL, van Oppen MJ. Exaiptasia diaphana from the Great Barrier Reef: a valuable resource for coral symbiosis research. Symbiosis. 2020 Feb 6:1-2.

Tortorelli G, Belderok R, Davy SK, McFadden GI, van Oppen MJ. Host genotypic effect on algal symbiosis establishment in the coral model, the anemone Exaiptasia diaphana, from the Great Barrier Reef. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2020 Jan 22.

Marchini C, Tortorelli G, Guidi E, Airi V, Falini G, Dubinsky Z, Goffredo S. Reproduction of the azooxanthellate coral Caryophyllia inornata is not affected by temperature along an 850 km gradient on the Western Italian coast. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2020 Jan 8.

Caroselli E, Ricci F, Brambilla V, Marchini C, Tortorelli G, Airi V, Mattioli G, Levy O, Falini G, Dubinsky Z, Goffredo S. Growth, population dynamics, and reproductive output model of the non‐zooxanthellate temperate solitary coral Caryophyllia inornata (Scleractinia, Caryophylliidae). Limnology and Oceanography. 2017 May 1;62(3):1111-21.

Marchini C, Airi V, Fontana R, Tortorelli G, Rocchi M, Falini G, Levy O, Dubinsky Z, Goffredo S. Annual reproductive cycle and unusual embryogenesis of a temperate coral in the Mediterranean Sea. PloS one. 2015 Oct 29;10(10):e0141162.